Physical Address
1625 South 3rd Street
Louisville, KY 40208
Goldfish are strictly freshwater fish. And therefore, it cannot live in the ocean or be put in a saltwater tank. As its kidneys need fresh and cold water to function properly, if you expose this fish to saltwater, they will stop working over time, leading your pet to die. Moreover, the toxic saltwater will influence the water inside the fish’s body to flow outside and result in dehydration, which would also cause death in no time.
Different studies have shown that a goldfish can tolerate less than 20 ppt of salinity in water. It’s best if there is no salinity. However, as seawater usually has 35 ppt or more dissolve salt levels, it is extremely toxic for the goldfish.
And because of such dangers of saltwater, you MUST NEVER put a goldfish in the ocean or saltwater.